Herbicide sous forme de concentré pour la préparation d’une solution aqueuse, appliqué par voie foliaire, destiné à lutter contre le chiendent ainsi que les mauvaises herbes annuelles et vivaces monocotylédones et dicotylédones dans les champs arables.
Type : Herbicide (Herbicide)
Producteur : Groupe Bayer
Capacité : 1L / 5L / 20L/ 200L
Substance active : glyphosate un composé du groupe des acides amino-phosphoriques sous forme de sel de potassium – 360 g/l (28,77%)
Forme : Concentré
Mode d’action :Herbicide sous forme de concentré pour la préparation d’une solution aqueuse destinée à l’application foliaire à l’aide de pulvérisateurs agricoles et manuels.
Culture de : maïs, pommes de terre, carottes, persil, oignons, poireaux (de semence), betteraves sucrières, blé d’hiver avant récolte, triticale d’hiver, seigle, blé de printemps, orge de printemps et colza oléagineux d’hiver, sur chaume, jachères et friches agricoles.
Contrôle : chiendent, adventices monocotylédones et dicotylédones annuelles et vivaces I.
Au printemps, après le semis ou la plantation et avant l’émergence de la culture, pour lutter contre les mauvaises herbes émergentes.
Use pesticides carefully.
Before use read the label and product information.
Use by non-professional users permitted.
Exception: The buyer from Belgium declares that
at the time of purchase he has full legal capacity
and has the appropriate qualifications required from
persons purchasing plant protection products.
Pursuant to Art. 28 of the Act of March 8, 2013 on plant protection products (Journal of Laws 2020, item 2097), from November 26, 2015, plant protection products intended for professional users may be sold to people who:
1) have completed training in the use of plant protection products in the Republic of Poland confirmed by a certificate of completion of this training, or
2) have completed training in advising on plant protection products in the Republic of Poland confirmed by a certificate of completion of this training, or
3) have completed training in integrated crop production confirmed by a certificate of completion of this training, or,
4) not earlier than 5 years, prior to the purchase of these funds, have completed the training required from professional users in another Member State of the European Union or in a country being a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, on the basis of the provisions in force in that country, confirmed by a document of completion of this training, or they have presented another document issued under the regulations in force in that country, confirming that they obtained authorization to purchase plant protection products intended for professional users
Il n’y a pas encore d’avis.